
5 Questions put to Sara De Cristofaro

5 Questions put to Sara De Cristofaro

This is a transcription of a video interview with Sara De Cristofaro, a dog trainer also of diabetes alert dogs. She currently collaborates with the Fondazione Prossimo Mio and the Progetto Serena.

1) What are medical alert dogs?
SDD: They are dogs that, after having undergone specific preparation, are able to perceive the presence of pathologies or variations in the state of the health of their owners.

2) What are the situations in which these dogs can be used?
SDD: There are two situations: screening strangers or detecting variations in their owners. When screening strangers, dogs can learn to signal the presence of diseases such as Covid, or particular tumors. Other dogs learn, instead, to live with their owners and to signal the presence of eventual crises or variations in the state of health in cases of epilepsy or diabetes.

3) What specifically does a diabetes alert dog do?
SDD: The dog learns to give a specific signal to its owner when there is a variation in the glycemia in the owner’s blood so that he or she can immediately correct it. They learn to do this in any situation, for example, among other people, in a car, or when the owner is sleeping. In case the owner can’t respond to this signal, the dog is able to go to other people nearby.

4) Can all dogs do this task?
SDD: Yes! Keeping in mind an age limit, in fact the dogs shouldn’t be too old, or have behavior problems, they should have a certain aptitude for doing this work.

5) How do dogs become diabetes alert dogs?
SDD: It’s an extremely intense training that lasts at least two years. The dog and the owner learn through play and having fun, while being followed by a qualified dog trainer.

Thank you.